What We Do
We facilitate the creation and deployment of dispatchable DER systems. We offer a collaborative approach between large CI&I customers and their utilities to accelerate decarbonization while reducing cost and improving reliability and resilience with DER systems that can adapt to changing market conditions.
+ Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Applications
We deploy a variety of low and no-carbon DERs, currently utilizing natural gas-driven generators as our primary technology for firm power. We customize each solution to meet the goals and objectives of our CI&I customers and their local utility company.
The priorities for each customer and utility may differ amongst Cost Reduction, Carbon Reduction, Improved System Efficiency and Improved Reliability/Resilience.
Combined Heat & Power (CHP)
The most efficient DER system simultaneously uses fuel to produce power and thermal energy for a facility. This is called, Combined Heat & Power or CHP, though it is also known as Co-generation or Tri-generation (when power, heating and cooling are all produced simultaneously).
CHP is typically for baseload operation and can be sized and designed to operate as either Electric Load-following or Thermal Load-following. We work with each customer to determine which is the optimal design and operation for each facility. We also consider the potential for flexibility based on future changing operating and market conditions.
Power Only
When thermal loads are minimal or it is not currently practical to serve them from a DER system, then Power-Only systems can provide efficiencies, carbon reduction and enhanced reliability. FPS designs systems to best meet the needs of each customer with the flexibility to change operations as customer needs and energy markets change.
Baseload operations supplies a majority, if not all, of the facility’s power needs.
Time of Use (TOU) operations supplies power during the utility’s higher priced peak periods, which are typically defined as “On-Peak” or “Mid- or Shoulder-Peak”, and sometimes can be “Super” or “Critical” Peak.
Peak Shaving operation supplies power during shorter time periods and is discussed in greater detail below.
Emergency Back-up operation typically provides power only when the primary power source is not available. This can be utility or grid supplied power or it could be power normally provided by other DER baseload systems, such as CHP, or intermittent renewable power systems.
Peak Shaving
Peak Shaving DER systems operate to meet the needs of a variety of potential rate and market designs.
High Demand Charge rate designs charge each customer for its highest single demand period each month at a very high rate. These charges are especially costly and wasteful if the customer peak demand occurs for short durations. FPS Peak Shaving systems reduce that peak demand to provide significant cost savings.
Coincident Peak Demand rate designs charge each customer for the amount of power it is consuming when the utility system is peaking; typically during just one hour or a few hours each month. FPS Peak Shavings systems reduce load during the utility “coincident peak” hour to provide significant costs savings.
Interruptible Power is an option offered by many utilities for customers who have the ability to cease taking power from the utility when there is a system emergency and the utility is in danger of not being able to supply power to all customers. Typically, the utility will offer a demand charge discount for the amount of load that can be removed during these system emergencies. FPS Peak Shaving systems allow the customer to interrupt load normally supplied by the utility while maintaining the customer’s operation.
Demand Response (DR) is a program where a customer can earn money for agreeing to interrupt load when the grid is constrained. DR programs are offered in most areas served by wholesale grid operators, called Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) or Independent System Operators (ISOs). In some markets there is a local utility DR program in addition to the grid-based DR program, offering multiple revenue opportunities. Some individual utility companies in non-RTO/ISO markets offer DR programs, as well.
Peak Load Management is a potentially significant costs savings opportunity in deregulated markets that have significant Capacity and Transmission charges. By using an FPS Peak Shaving system, the customer can significantly reduce or eliminate these costs, which can represent 20% - 50% of the cost of power.
Energy Arbitrage is a potentially significant cost savings opportunity in deregulated markets. The FPS Peak Shaving systems will supply the customer with power when the marginal cost of producing your own power is lower than the price of hourly energy from the grid.
Real Time Pricing (RTP) is a regulated market rate option offered by some utilities which is similar to customers who purchase power in deregulated markets; the price of energy will typically vary every hour of every day. The same Energy Arbitrage opportunity can be gained under RTP programs as with deregulated market index-based energy purchasing.
Battery Storage
Battery storage systems can be used for Peak Shaving and Emergency Backup power as described previously. Battery Storage can also be used for to earn revenue under certain special grid-based DR programs.
Solar PV
Solar PV can be used for significant carbon reduction as well as lower long term levelized cost of energy (LCOE). FPS can help you decide if Solar PV will work for you.
Advanced Microgrids
Microgrids are essentially DER Systems that are managed by smart controllers to allow the customer to separate from the grid, called “Islanding”, when grid power is disrupted. This allows the customer to continue running all or part of its operation during a grid power outage. The Microgrid controller is ideally tied into customer load control systems to potentially shed non-essential loads as well.
A Microgrid controller can also optimize the DER system during normal operation to maximize efficiency and minimize operating cost and carbon emissions.
+ Turnkey Development, Project Financing & Operations
FPS takes responsibility for designing, financing, engineering, permitting, constructing, commissioning, testing, operating, maintaining and decommissioning your DER systems. Our comprehensive, exclusive and scaled focus on natural gas-driven DERs enables us to offer best-in-market value.
During the design and feasibility stage alone, you benefit from the following analyses, at no cost to you:
Energy Consumption review and System Sizing;
Site and Facilities Evaluation and Planning;
Equipment Suitability evaluation and Price estimation;
Natural Gas Price sensitivity analysis;
Evaluation of Utility Tariff Impact and Interconnection Requirements; and
Detailed review of Tax and Permitting obligations.
We start with a simple desktop evaluation of project potential, modeling the prior year’s hourly energy consumption, rate tariff and market costs. It is simple for you and typically takes us less than a few weeks to complete our initial reviews.
+ Consulting
Are you looking to develop your own DER system but want an independent expert to help advise you? FPS is here to help. We have unparalled expertise at modeling current and future energy costs and the resulting value stream from any proposed DER project.
You might be a Commercial, Industrial or Institutional Customer or a Distribution Utility Company. Before you move forward with a DER System, let the experts at FPS review your project design, your value proposition, your goals and objectives.
You might be an Investor considering a potential investment in a DER project. Let our experts provide the independent due diligence you need to ensure you are investing wisely.
BEFORE you move forward, FPS can provide a variety of services including Market Research, Detailed Modeling (Energy, Environmental & Financial) and other Project Due Diligence services, such as:
Energy Savings Modeling
Fuel Price Risk Management
Contract Review
Regulatory Review
Environmental Review
AFTER you install a DER project, FPS can provide independent Fuel Price Risk Management support, Operations & Maintenance, Performance Reviews & Audits and Savings Documentation services.