Frequently Asked Questions
+ What types of facilities can benefit from your DER solutions?
Commercial, Industrial and Institutional (CI&I) facilities with minimum loads of 1,000 kW (1 MW) and with average electric rates above $0.07/kWh can typically benefit from our DER solutions. Plants with thermal loads can benefit from CHP systems and plants without thermal loads can benefit from our Prime Power systems. HOWEVER, average cost is just an initial screen. There are many factors that determine suitability for DER system deployment.
Even if average electric rates are below $0.07/kWh, facilities can benefit if there is a need for additional or replacement of boilers, if there are grid reliability concerns, and/or if you have strong commitments to carbon reduction and sustainability goals.
Even if average electric rates are above $0.07/kWh, facilities may not benefit. Site specific factors must be modeled and evaluated in detail, including: the hourly load profile, the rate structure and/or market pricing structure, availability of natural gas, space, environmental permitting and many other factors.
Utility power providers with aged assets and/or limited options from their wholesale power pool can improve affordability, sustainability, reliability and efficiency with our solutions. This is true for all types of utilities, whether investor owned utilities (IOUs) or Public Power utilities such as municipal utilities and electric cooperatives.
+ How many DER systems has FPS deployed?
Although FPS is a new entity, we and our Strategic Partners have tremendous experience and expertise. Together, we bring industry leading expertise and strong balance sheets to every project. We bring creative confident solutions that include: lump sum contracts, project completion guarantees, warranty and availability guarantee protections, investment grade modeling, fixed and pre-determined service pricing, interconnections and air permit support. We offer creative funding and contracting vehicles, including: Capital, Energy Service Agreements (ESAs), Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and “As a Service” transactions… Check out more details on each of our Strategic Partners’ websites.
+ Where can you deploy DER systems?
We have nationwide development and service capabilities though we have found a strong fit for our solutions in the Midwest and are currently focused there. An ideal facility will have relatively high electric rates with competitive natural gas prices. Additional factors making for a good fit, include: legislation and/or regulation pushing utilities toward decarbonization, or where utilities are making decarbonization commitments on their own. Our DER systems are ideal solutions as they bring higher efficiency with lower carbon emissions.
+ Can you describe your evaluation process?
Developing DERs with enormous uncertainty throughout the utility industry is a complex undertaking. Electric Rate Tariffs are extremely complicated and certain to change. Regulators are forcing utilities to change their business models as they each strive for decarbonization. Utilities will incur stranded assets as they shift to renewables, passing on financial burdens to their rate base. All of these factors are considered with our evaluations.
We have created a very detailed, modeling and system design process to create customized solutions that will achieve optimal benefits. Our modeling is investment-grade and supported by our capital providers.
We start with a high-level screening and then perform a detailed energy savings analysis beginning with plant drawings, historic billing and interval data. Our analysis includes the consideration of all available tariffs, utility and energy supply contracts, recent or current rate cases, integrated resource plans (IRPs), state legislation and dialogue with your utilities. We then review the details of our system design and modeling assumptions with your team before you select a preferred financial vehicle.